I hope you enjoy my story and please leave a comment.
On Thursday Room 13 went to football again in the hall because it was too muddy outside to play on the field and the court was taken. We had to wait for our coach Ben so we had a warm up called octopus.
When Ben came we played his way and my way of octopus.
I’m going to tell you what his way is. So it’s when everyone stands in a line in front of the stage and when Ben calls out a category that you have on then you had to run away from the three taggers in the middle.
After that we played a different game I don’t know what it’s called though, but I know how to play it and I’m going to tell you.
First you get into pairs and one person goes to get the ball while the other person goes to the middle. Soon Ben will say to sit down and close our eye’s, run to the stage and back or do a handstand. And when he says go all of the people in the middle have to try get the ball off the other person, but if the other person gets to the other side then they get a point and you stay in the middle.
Ten minutes later I got the ball off my partner and told her that I wanted to hold the ball but she wouldn't give it to me so I went down the corridor and sat outside room 24. A little while later a lady came out with a boy and said “What are you doing out here? Are you allowed out here?” And I replied “No.” So she took me back to the hall and when I went back my teacher growled me and told me to sit down, so I sat down and when I saw my class having so much fun I wanted to join them but I was too scared to ask.
Saturday, 29 June 2013
Friday, 28 June 2013
Me and Ashley's Maori Movie
Hi this is my maori movie I made on the Imac in my class with a little help. I'm presenting it to you now. I hope you enjoy and please leave a comment.
The Squid Hunt
Rugby league Make-up session
On Friday 28th of June my class room 13 had a make-up session of rugby league, because we missed two sessions of rugby league. At 10:00 we went to the court and played octopus. Then we went to the bottom field and Miss Lavakula split us into two groups and gave us a band each. After we had a game of rugby league but, people were on sub. When the game was almost finished I didn’t want to play so I went on sub. The coaches Mike and Sam told us to go back by the dental clinic and roll our bands up and put it in the bag where it belongs. When the bell rang we were still rolling up our bands but then the coaches came and rolled it up for us.
I hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment.
I hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment.
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Giant squid Facts
This is my dictagloss about Giant squid. I hope you like it. Please leave a comment.
Scientist have been trying to discover new information about giant squids. Giant squid are wonderful creatures with a head, mouth and strong beak. Giant squid are Invertebrates this means they have no backbone. Many people have been searching the Antarctic ocean for these creatures. Giant squid have suckers and hooks on their tentacles.
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Te Papa's Colossal Squid
Hi I'm going to tell you what I didn't know about colossal squid, and that it took 2 hours to get a colossal squid on their boat.
Heres a squid I made on a site.

Click here to build your own squid.
You can listen to my Audio boo too. But it's still just going to be what I learnt about colossal squid.
Te Papa's Colossal Squid I hope you enjoy please leave a comment.
Heres a squid I made on a site.

Click here to build your own squid.
*I never knew how much they weigh
*I never knew it would take for long to get a colossal squid in you're boat
*I never knew if you their tentacles can defrost so fast and rot while the thicker body parts were still frozenYou can listen to my Audio boo too. But it's still just going to be what I learnt about colossal squid.
Te Papa's Colossal Squid I hope you enjoy please leave a comment.
Friday, 21 June 2013
Football Leason
This is what my class Room 13 do Thursday Mornings so read along. I hope enjoy.
This morning when the bell rang my friend said to me “Yay football today. But I'm sick”. I told people there was football today but they said no and I don’t like football. When Miss Lavakula finished saying the roll and karakia we went to the hall because the field was too muddy and wet for us.
So once we arrived to the hall we were all, cold and Miss Lavakula said “Sit down. Oh but its cold aye” so she told us to run around on the red line, then we played octopus for our warmup. Suddenly we stopped and Ben our coach said to get into groups of four. But the bad thing was there had to be two boys and two girls.
It was a bad thing because I don’t like boys except for my papa and dad.I went with my friend Kaitlynne, Lukis and Damien. I didn’t want to go with them but I did. Ben said we had to do juggling which is kicking the ball up in the air but it can’t go really high or it can’t touch the floor or passing the ball was like kicking it on the ground to the other person.
The boys and Kaitlynne said to do juggling but guess what we did juggling and passing. Later on Ben told us to get in a line and said he’ll give us a number and a bib or a band each but I didn’t get a number or a band because I didn’t line up and I didn’t want to play.
After a while I saw them having fun playing soccer and I wanted to join in so I asked Ben and he said yes. Me and Liz were the only girls in our team. I know because I versed her team. When the games were finished we had to go and you wouldn’t believe it but I said “Ooohhhh” because I didn’t want to leave.
This morning when the bell rang my friend said to me “Yay football today. But I'm sick”. I told people there was football today but they said no and I don’t like football. When Miss Lavakula finished saying the roll and karakia we went to the hall because the field was too muddy and wet for us.
So once we arrived to the hall we were all, cold and Miss Lavakula said “Sit down. Oh but its cold aye” so she told us to run around on the red line, then we played octopus for our warmup. Suddenly we stopped and Ben our coach said to get into groups of four. But the bad thing was there had to be two boys and two girls.
It was a bad thing because I don’t like boys except for my papa and dad.I went with my friend Kaitlynne, Lukis and Damien. I didn’t want to go with them but I did. Ben said we had to do juggling which is kicking the ball up in the air but it can’t go really high or it can’t touch the floor or passing the ball was like kicking it on the ground to the other person.
The boys and Kaitlynne said to do juggling but guess what we did juggling and passing. Later on Ben told us to get in a line and said he’ll give us a number and a bib or a band each but I didn’t get a number or a band because I didn’t line up and I didn’t want to play.
After a while I saw them having fun playing soccer and I wanted to join in so I asked Ben and he said yes. Me and Liz were the only girls in our team. I know because I versed her team. When the games were finished we had to go and you wouldn’t believe it but I said “Ooohhhh” because I didn’t want to leave.
Friday, 14 June 2013
All about Emperor Penguins
This is my presentation all about Emperor Penguins.
I hope you like it.
Please leave a comment and have a nice day.
My Mihi
This my Mihi I made.
I hope you like it.
Please leave a comment and have a nice day.
Heres my audio boo you can listen to.
Monday, 10 June 2013
Martin and Friends
This is my story about Martin and friends. I hope you enjoy it. Please leave a comment have a nice day.
- In the photos above theres a leopard seal called Martin and a group of Emperor penguins. All of the Emperor penguins are called William. They are in Antarctica because it is cold there and they are cold blooded. In the Emperor penguin photo I think they are huddling, but in the leopard seal photo I think its ready for some food. I think the penguins are scared of the leopard seal and the seal is just lazy. The problem is the global warming, because if it gets too hot the leopard seal and the group of Emperor penguins might die. The Scientist are there because they keep an eye on the global warming so if they think its too hot for the leopard seal and Emperor penguins they will make it cold again somehow.
- When Martin found out that he might die because of the global warming he “said run for you're life but the Emperor penguins didn't listen to him. Even though Martin was lazy he still swam away and he wanted to go back to save them, so he went back and tried to save them but instead he asked for them to be his friend because the global warming stopped and the Emperor penguins said “okay. But you have to not eat us agreed” and Martin said “agreed” and the rest of the day they played tag.
The End
The Arctic and Antarctic
Fiafia Spectacular
This is our Fiafia spectacular.
Fiafia Spectacular from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Im hoping you like it. Please leave a comment and have a nice day.Monsters of the deep
This is my Presentation about Monsters of the deep.
I hope you like it please leave a comment.
Antarctica Alphabet Keywords
This is my presentation about Antarctica's Keywords.
I hope you like it. Please leave a comment.
I hope you like it. Please leave a comment.
Friday, 7 June 2013
Colossal squid and Giant squid
This is a venn diagram that shows differences and the similarities about Colossal and giant squid.
I hope you like it.
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