This a venn diagram I made of the differences between fairytale and myths and legends. I hope you like it please leave a comment.
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Is it easy to say "Sorry"?
Today we learned about a story in the bible. It was about Onesimus, Paul and Philemon. Philemon was a rich man, Paul is a man who makes people follow in Jesus and Onesimus was Philemon's slave. Onesimus stole something from his master and ran all the way to Rome. That is where he met Paul who made him follow in Jesus.
Paul wrote a letter to Philemon so that he would forgive Onesimus. Paul told Onesimus to take the letter back to Philemon so he went all the way back to Collosae and went on his knees while Philemon was reading the letter and he begged to forgive him.
I think that it's hard to say sorry because they might not forgive you.
People can say "Sorry will you forgive me." and "Yes I do"
Here is a picture of the people in my class who played Onesimus, Paul and Philemon and here is a short video too.

IMG 0647 from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Paul wrote a letter to Philemon so that he would forgive Onesimus. Paul told Onesimus to take the letter back to Philemon so he went all the way back to Collosae and went on his knees while Philemon was reading the letter and he begged to forgive him.
I think that it's hard to say sorry because they might not forgive you.
People can say "Sorry will you forgive me." and "Yes I do"
Here is a picture of the people in my class who played Onesimus, Paul and Philemon and here is a short video too.

IMG 0647 from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Performing Plays
On Monday 26th of August my class performed our plays. Something that worked was everyone knew their lines. A thing that didn’t worked was we weren't confident enough. I could do better if we knew our lines better clearer and it is like we are the person. The name of my play was called The Kings Parade and the people in my group were Matiu, Juliet, April, Owen, Ben, Sohel, Pj and myself. I felt sad because I had the shortest line but I knew if I was Humpty Dumpty I would ruin it so I let Sohel be Humpty Dumpty. I hope you like it please leave a comment.
Monday, 26 August 2013
Cross Country
Here is my writing about my schools cross country.
Here are some videos that you can watch. I hope you like it and Please leave a comment.
MVI 0463 from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
MVI 0464 from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
On Thursday 22th of August my school had cross country. We had cross country at my school and also the Pt England Reserve next to my school. I think we had cross country so we can get fit. It was boring waiting and it was so hot it felt like I was baking in the sun.
For me cross country is boring but since it was shorter than my other schools one I liked it. Before we ran I said “I’m going to come eighth.” But instead I came ninth and I had a tie. The girl who had a tie with me said to me “We are ninth” and I said “Hahaha that was better than my other schools one.”
I felt happy that I came ninth, I liked that one of my best friends came first and what I didn’t like was that we had to stay in the boiling hot sun but at least it was a nice and sunny day. I really really really hope I can came 2nd or 3rd next time.
MVI 0463 from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
MVI 0464 from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Friday, 23 August 2013
My Decimals
Here is my maths sheet I did in Miss Ouano's class. And here is a link to a game that you can play.
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Loving and Caring

IMG 0620 from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
Life Ed Reflection
I wrote this paragraph to tell you
What is peer pressure? Who are our peers? Who can make you do things you don’t want to do. What do people need to remember to do?
What does passive mean? What does assertive mean? What does aggressive mean?
Peer Pressure is someone near you're age pushing you to do something good or bad. My peers are 7 year olds to 13 year olds. My friends and family can make me do something I don’t want to do. People need to remember right from wrong. Passive means that you don’t know you're important and if someone tells you to do something bad you do it. Assertive means you are proud of yourself and you are saying everyone is important. Finally aggressive means that you don’t communicate to others.
Monday, 12 August 2013
Three Wolf Fables
This a paragraph I made that is telling you about the story and what I learned.
The first fable was about the wolfs new law. I learned that don’t share with someone you're not going to share with. The second fable was about the dog pretending there was a wedding feast and he would get fat for the wolf. The lesson I learned was strike when you have a chance to. The third fable was about donkey pretending to have a thorn in his foot so he could live. And I learned that you should never be something you're not.
I hoped you enjoyed please leave a comment.
Hickory Dickery Dock
This is my movie I made using IMovie.
Katareina Hickory Dickory Dock from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
I hope you liked it please leave a comment.
Katareina Hickory Dickory Dock from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
I hope you liked it please leave a comment.
Friday, 9 August 2013
Interviewing a buddy
On Tuesday last week we went to lifes an education with Harold and Lynne and we learned about what a friend is. When we were finished she gave us a book an in that book were some activities. The one I'm going to show you is Interviewing a buddy.
1. What is your full name? April Edwards
2. Who, if anyone, are you named after? April (Month)
3. Who are other members of your family? Sisters, Brother, Mum, Dad
4. Do you have any pets? What are your names? Yes. Rockoo
5. What is your ethnicity? Maori
6. When is your birthday? April 26th
7. What is the name of your favourite book? Twilight
8. What is the name of your favourite tv programme? Good Luck Charlie
9. Who is your favourite singer? Michael Jackson
10. What is your favourite song? Beat It
11. What is your favourite sports? Rippa Rugby
12. What is your favourite food? Butter Chicken
13. What do you want to be when you grow up? A magician
14. What do you want to do for your next birthday? To relax
15. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Swimmerama and Brazil
Here is a picture of me and that friend. The one on the right is Kaitlynne, the one in the middle is me and the one on the right is April.
This is my paragraph about what a friend might be.
I am writing this paragraph to tell you what a friend might be. A friend is some who can help you when you are hurt. Who can play with you when you are lonely. A friend is yourself. You're friends can be anyone you choose but my opinion is to pick nice and kind friends.
Friends are important because if you don’t have any friends then everyone can bully you and everyone won’t care. An important characteristic of having a friend is to be kind, an unimportant characteristic of having a friend is if they don’t care about you, and if you want a nice kind friend you have to be nice and kind. life without a friend would be sad and lonely.
I hope you enjoyed please leave a comment.
Thursday, 8 August 2013
Immersion Assembly
On a lovely Monday morning my school had Immersion Assembly. I didn't know what Immersion Assembly was and I said to myself “Why is everyone lining up.” I wanted to know what was happening because my teacher was dressed up as a little pig and usually we don’t have Assembly on Monday. If you're dieing to know what Immersion Assembly is I'll tell you. Immersion Assembly is when a teacher comes and tells us what the schools going to do this term and different teachers come and act out what team 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are doing.
First James also known as our principal Mr Burt talked to us about Life’s a stage. Then came Mr Leofal, he came to tell us what team one was learning about and it came up fairy tales. Team one had a game of Who am I? After that three teachers came out to introduce team two while Mr J played a song and they dance. Team two’s one was Dancing. When it was team three all the teachers dressed up as a princess went on stage and told us about them self. It was like a fairytale talk show. Each princess came up separately to tell us and when they were finished Mr barks came out all dressed up while all of the princesses ran away. Mr Barks was sad and said “Well everyone can find true love.”
It was the start of team 4’s item. They were acting out the three little pigs. The three little pigs were Miss Lavakula, Miss Ouano and Mr Somerville. Mr Marks was the big bad wolf and Miss Garden was the narrator. The first little pig went to buy some hay from a lady. She took her hay to the field and built her house.The big bad wolf came along and smelt bacon, he said “Little pig, little pig let me in.” The little pig said “Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin,” the wolf shouted “Then I will huff and I'll puff and blow your house down.” The little pigs house fell down and the wolf ate her. The second little pig bought some sticks from a lady to build her house. She took the sticks to a field and built her house.The big bad wolf came along and smelt sausages, he said “Little pig, little pig let me in.” The little pig said “Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin,” the wolf shouted “Then I will huff and I'll puff and blow your house down”. The little pigs house fell down and the wolf ate her. The last little pig was thinking he went to buy some bricks from a man he took the bricks and started to build his house. He ran into his house and the big bad wolf had said “Let me in” and the little pig said “Not by my hair on my chinny chin chin” the wolf shouted “Then I will huff and I will puff and blow your house down”. The wolf couldn’t blow the house down so he climbed down chimney. The little pig had a pot of hot water on the fire. When the wolf climbed down he burnt his bottom and ran away.
Time for team 5. They were doing a copy of Beyonce If I were a boy. It was so funny they played a presentation that showed the teachers dressed up as a boy band sang the song while acting to it too. Then it had Mr Barks singing if I were a girl while dressed as a girl with make-up on. It was so so so so funny. My favourite part was team 5.
Here is a video so you can see what happened I hope you enjoy. Please leave a comment.
Term 3 Immersion Assembly from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
Cyber Smart means being on the right site. Making sure you don't click something that says you have won $1,000,000 just put your bank account number here. It means to focus on your work. Don't click anything your not allowed on. Here is a picture that shows you what not to put on the internet. I hope you enjoyed please leave a comment.
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
C.R.E Prizes
Mrs Clark comes into our classroom every Tuesday afternoon. We have learned lots of different things like: songs and stories.
I have learned about Jesus and God, how they were years ago. I learnt that Jesus and God are powerful, trustful. People like adults say that we shouldn't have C.R.E but I think we should have C.R.E so we can learn about God and Jesus.
Here is a picture when god said to Elijah to go to Brook and there would be ravens how would come every day and get you food and there would be a little stream.
Lion and The Mouse
This is a paragraph I wrote in a group about the first paragraph.
Here is a picture too.
The little grey Mouse got trapped in a dark cave. The fearsome lion was sleeping in the cave. The lion woke up and clapped his paw on the little grey Mouse. “Ahh.” Said the little grey Mouse. “Let me go Please let me go.” “Okay” said the fearsome lion. “But don’t come back here again.” “Thank you. But if you ever need some help call me. Bye.” Said the little Mouse.
Here is a picture too.
Monday, 5 August 2013
Three lion fables.
This is a paragraph about the story I read.
The titles of the stories are Lion, Donkey and Fox, Lion and Mosquito and Lion and Boar. I learned to if you're in a jungle always listen to lions. The Morals of the stories are Never go hunting with a lion, Better together and Don’t be a wanna be.
Friday, 2 August 2013
A wife for Te Ra
This story is from Moira Wairama.
It is about Te Ra and how he found a wife.
His sister Te Marama was the Moon and she felt sorry for him because he was lonely.
Te Marama suggested that he should get a wife.
So, Te Ra went and talked to Tangaroa but he was very shy.
First Te Ra went to talk to Hine-Raumati he liked her because she was gentle and friendly.
Then Te Ra went to talk to Hine-Takurua he liked her too because she made him laugh.
In the end Te Ra decided to marry both.
So at the time of the winter solstice he would go to Hine-Takurua.
And when it’s time for the summer solstice he would go to Hine-Raumati.
Here is a picture a screenshotted on google.
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