There were a group of magical creatures dancing on the beach with their skin lying on the rocks when a farmer took one and they all stopped dancing put their skin on except one woman. She was looking at him with her big brown eyes. The seal woman pleaded for her skin. The farmer felt sorry for her and wanted to give her skin back but didn’t. The farmer thought if she stays with him she can be my wife. The farmer said “come with me.” And wrapped his cloak around her and took her to his house. The farmer left her in the kitchen and went to hide the beautiful skin. For many days the seal woman still pleaded for her skin back, but the farmer didn't give it back. After a while the farmer wished for the seal woman to be his wife. The woman did all the work and whenever the farmer looked at her she always looked sad. Then she had three fine sons and three fine daughters, her children wondered why she was so sad. One day the farmer took his sons and two of his daughters to town. And when the farmer left the seal woman ran around the whole house looking for her skin. Suddenly the youngest daughter asked “what are you looking for? The mother replied “My skin.” The daughter said “is it silver and grey? “My lovely grey and silver skin” the mother replied. Where is it? I saw it with father he hid in the barn under the rafts. The mother stopped listening and ran to get her then ran to the beach put her skin on then swam away in the deep water. While she was at the beach she saw a boat and in the boat was her husband. She swam up to the boat and stared at her husband with her sad brown eyes then finally the husband recognised her. Then he said “throw out you're nets catch that seal.” But she was too fast and swam away then her kind never danced on that beach again. The End
I have drawn some things about what happened in the story.

Well done at retelling this folk tale Katareina!