
Wednesday 15 October 2014

Capitals Explaination

WALT: Write an explanation telling people what capital letters are and when you use them in writing.

Have you ever wondered what capitals really are? I have, and I’m going to tell you what they look like. They are bigger versions of the lower case letters, but they have different kind of shapes.

Capital letters are used in people’s name. Here is an example: lucy has to start with a capital L, and ariana has to start with a capital A because its a proper noun and it shows that we respect them. You could also use capitals on your last name for instance: Katareina Josephine Julia Tusagi.

Capital letters are also used in geographical places like cities and continents. For example a city is Auckland or New Plymouth or Sydney or Perth, and a continent is Australia or Asia.

Another time to use capitals is when you're writing the date for instance: Here-turi-koka Tekau ma toru Raapa which is the Maori date and the English date is: Wednesday 13th August 2014. Use holidays as dates too and if you don't know how to here is an example: December 25th it is our Christmas Holiday.

I use capital letters at the start of a title too. Title means Games, Brands, Shops and more. Just like this: “I went to the Library to read a book called The Hunger Games Catching Fire.” or “I went to Pak n Sav with my friend.” or “My sister loves to play Minecraft”.

Do you know what a capital is now? Do you know when to use it? There are lots more places you could put capitals in but I’m just doing four of them. Heres a fact you should always put capitals in your sentences because if you don’t sometimes you're audience won’t understand your writing.

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