
Friday 18 September 2015

What I've learnt this week

In Numeracy this week we have been learning about measuring angles. We learned how many degrees there are in a circle, we learned how many degrees there are in a triangle and we learned how to turn North, East, South and West. We got a protractor and learned how to find out how many degrees the kay is. We also learned about the rays, vertex and that the vertex needs to be in the middle of the protractor and the rays have to be lined up to get the correct degree.

In Literacy I learned how to write stories with better vocabulary and I learned how to write with my age words. I learned how to put the right words in the right order and the right capitals and commas in the correct place.

In Inquiry I have learned about charities. I learned that some help the sick, unhealthy and injured and some help the people who can't afford uniforms and stuff. I learned who founded the charities and who helps fund. I really enjoyed researching about charities.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kat ,
    I really like how you were learning about measuring angles because I am to! That's very cool to know I learnt even more about measuring angles. Enjoy your day



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