
Thursday 18 April 2013

Eel of omaru creek

Once upon a time there was an eel called Jazelle she had eight siblings and thousands of aunties uncles and  cousins. She was the oldest eel out of her siblings. They lived in a river called omaru river it was crystal clean. Then one day these people started throwing rubbish and chemicals in the river and when ever the cars drive past the oil and gas goes in the river don’t like the river because how polluted it is. Every day one would eel always die they wanted to move but they didn’t like salt water. When ever they had to search for their food ( fish grubs)  they would always look but theres only a little bit left because all of them died or run away.  One day Jazelle was about to die but then her came and helped her because she was in the polluted area, when her friends got a little bit sick but they got better. A few weeks went by and Jazelle was looking for another river then she found on raced home told her mum and her was so happy she raced to the government told him then he told the others they moved there and they lived happily ever after.

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1 comment:

  1. katareina i red your story why did you call me an eel grrrr


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