
Tuesday 3 September 2013


This term my class has been playing basketball and here are some things that we did.

For the last five weeks my class has been going to basketball. In basketball we have learned Jump Stop, Defending, Pocket, Foul, Travelling, Shooting, Double Dribble, Bongos, Flick and Arm Guard but first we had to do a warmup. The warmup was line tiggy, Rob chose two people to be the taggers. The taggers had one ball each and started to tag us, if we were tagged then we became the taggers. Promise asked if we could throw the ball but the answer was no. On the next line tiggy who ever got tug they had to go and get a ball and they were in as well. 

If you don’t know how to play basketball or do any of the things above I'll tell you. If you want to Jump Stop you run then you stop, bend you're knees and you shoot the ball but if you already have the ball you just put you're hands up underneath you're chin and you pass the ball to someone. Pocket is when you put the ball by you're hips. A foul is when you touch someone's hand or arm. Travelling is when you dribble then you run with the ball in you're hands. Double Dribble is like Bongos. You have to bend you're knees and bounce the ball with two hands and Double Dribble in basketball is bad. Bongos are just bending and bouncing the ball with two hands but really fast. Arm Guard is when you pocket and bounce the ball and you're arm is up blocking people from getting the ball. Shooting was so fun but we had to do Pocket, Shoulder and Flick that was pretty boring. You can’t Defend by touching them because it will be a foul. 

Before we left we had this sort of competition and my team won. The competition was when you Jump Stop Dribble once and shoot in the hoop. I scored once and wanted to do it again and again. I love basketball now and I wish we can play it everyday.

1 comment:

  1. You did so well explaining what you have been learning in basketball Katareina!


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